Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Goods - A New Lampe

We've previously extolled the virtues of Lampe Berger (click here for the primer), but the company has just supplied us with a new lamp and oil combination that you just can't beat. The lampe seen below comes with a sample bottle of oil, and sells for only $30! We have a lot of unusual and great gifts, but this one is by far the single best value in our boutique. If you aren't in the Tampa area, we will ship, but even if you don't buy from us, find your local dealer and pick one of these up. You'll love it!!!



Debbie said...

Thank you for telling me about the Lampe Berger! I just purchased one at your beautiful shoppe...used it yesterday and feel in love with it! Purchased another one as an engagement gift! My home smells great...LOVE IT!

You Run Known Story said...

Thiss was a lovely blog post

You Run Known Story said...

Great reading yoour post

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